Re-Think Core Training: 3 Exercises to Replace Sit Ups

Re-Think Core Training: 3 Exercises to Replace Sit Ups

As the fitness and sports performance fields have evolved, so has the understanding of functional  exercise.  We are doing a better job of doing exercises that transfer to real life, and help us perform your best.  But one area that is still lagging behind is core training.

There is a gross misunderstanding of how your core actually works.  Tell me, how many times have you seen someone do a crunch on the football field?  Or how many times have you done a sit up as your playing with your kids?  I think it’s time we re-think core training, and start doing exercises that improve our quality of life, and our performance!

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Why I Don’t Care How High Your Box Jump Is

Recently I saw a video of some kid on Instagram jumping onto a vending machine.  My initial reaction…WHO CARES.

It seems like videos are popping up every day of people showing off their incredible box jumping prowess.  Most people freak out when they see these videos.  For me, it does nothing. Uhh, what Pro-League does he play in again? 

Although it is impressive to see these freak athletes jump this high, there really isn’t much application.  And to make matters worse, these video have led to a rash of “Insta-trainers” having their clients attempting this craziness too.  Well I’m here to put an end to it.  Read on to see why we need to stop this madness ASAP.

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Bridging The Gap Between PT and Functional Performance

Having worked in PT clinics for about 5 years, I would often hear conversations between patients and therapists that would go something like this:

PT: Hey Sally, why are you limping?
Patient: My back is hurting
PT:  What did you do?
Patient:  Well my trainer made me do this one exercise…

PT: (places palm on face and dies a little inside)

And there you have it.  Sally’s trainer didn’t fully understand her injury history, and pushed her too hard, too soon.  There is obviously a gap in the transition from PT to functional performance. But why the disconnect? Well, we are here to explore how we can bridge that gap!

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Foam Rolling 101: How and When to Foam Roll

You know those foamy, tube things you see at the gym?…yeah those are called foam rollers.  Although gaining traction in popularity, foam rollers are still a very underutilized piece of equipment.

Foam rolling is an important part of a well rounded fitness program.  Leaving it out is a mistake that can lead to injury, and decreased performance.  Today we are going to go over those benefits, and I will show you my go-to-foam roll routine.

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Productivity Hack: 4 Routines to Jumpstart Your Morning

Are you one of those people who hates mornings?  Do you wake up with low energy, feeling like a zombie?  These are all symptoms of someone who “is not a morning person”.  While it’s true that you may not be a morning person, I bet another reason for your disdain of mornings is lack of a routine.

Consider every day, like Game Day.  If you were an athlete, you wouldn’t just roll out of bed, all disheveled and start playing right?  So then why do it in your professional career?…Start your morning off with a consistent routine, and you will perform at the top of your game all day! 

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Breathe Better: How Eric Christensen is Changing How We Breathe

16 per minute, 960 per hour, 23,040 per day….That’s how much we breathe.  You could say breathing is life.  It’s the first thing we do in life, and the last thing we do.They why then do we ignore it?  Why do we never train it?…Poor breathing patterns can lead to numerous problems such as chronic pain, and hormonal issues.   

Eric Christenson is here to help change all that.  Eric is a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) and the owner of Chandler Physical Therapy in Chandler, AZ.  Eric estimates that 85%-90% of his patients have breathing issues that effect their function.  If you’ve ever had persistent neck pain, chances are poor breathing patterns is one of the causes.  Eric’s passion to change the way we breath runs deep.  So much so, that he wrote a book.  His book, “Breathe Better”, addresses our society;s pervasive issues with breathing.  “Breathe Better” is scheduled for release.

In today’s post, I interview Eric and we take a deeper look at his new book, Breathe Better, and give you some exercises to help improve your breathing.  Enjoy!

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The 4 Biggest Fitness Program Mistakes


Starting up a new routine at the gym can be like traveling through a jungle.  If you don’t know where your going, it can be easy to get lost.  Thats why you need a map.  In this case, your map is a program.  Follow it, and you should reach your destination.

The problem is, some maps, have mistakes.  Just as some programs have mistakes.  They can lead you down the wrong path and in some cases injury and diminished results.  To be clear, there is no perfect program.  But there are also some common programming pitfalls that people fall into.  Here are some common programming error that you can avoid on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

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Supplement Breakdown: What are the Essentials?

With in the last few years, the supplement industry has exploded in popularity.  Everyone is looking for the next thing that will make them bigger, leaner, and lift more weight.  But the reality is, most of the products out there are GARBAGE.  

With virtually no regulations, there are tens of thousands of products on the market.  Many of which, are low quality, and unnecessary.  But with all these choices, where do you start?…After this post will you will know where to start and what to look for!

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Patience and Perseverance: My Interview w/ Preston Hale

Welcome back for another Ignite Interview!  Today I interview another up and coming performer in the world of fitness and performance training.

I share my conversation with Preston Hale, III.  Preston is a performance coach based out of Chandler, AZ.  Preston trains primarily athletes, with a special emphasis on developing defensive backs in American football.  Preston uses his experience as a college athlete, and knowledge as a coach to provide very unique and high level training. He breaks down football movement like few can. 

Preston has taken a unique road to get where he’s at, and is an example of perseverance.  He is also one of the most avid learners I know.  In our conversation we cover Preston’s keys to success, his training philosophy, and how to handle the fear of making a career switch.  Enjoy!

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My Current, 4 Favorite Podcasts

In today’s world, where people multi-tasking is a way of life, podcasts are king.  For those of us who have a commute to work, podcasts are an opportunity to learn on the go.  They turn the time normally reserved for useless radio chatter and fake first date updates, into time spent bettering yourself.  But podcasts aren’t just reserved for the car.  They are a great way to take advantage of any downtime you may have during your day.  If you haven’t started listening to podcasts yet, then I highly suggest you start immediately.  Here are a few of my favorite podcasts.

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