How to Become a Better Performer

How to Become a Better Performer

Ever heard of the term performance coach?..If not, its ok.  It is a relatively new  term. As a performance coach, my objective is to help my clients achieve their goals, and perform at the highest level possible. 

Often times the word “performance” is reserved strictly for high level athletes, but when you think about it, we all have an expectation to “perform” every day.  Whether at work, school, or the gym, we all have certain tasks or roles that we are expected to fulfill.  

In order to perform at your best, you need a strategy.  This can’t be something you haphazardly attempt to do.  You need a plan and I’m here to give it to you.

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Productivity Hack: Disconnecting From the Grind

For a long time in my life, I would have told you the I believe in that quote, and I still do.  But I never really practiced it.  I’m sure there are many of you out there who are just like I was…  Knowing that disconnecting is beneficial, but not actually putting it into practice.  In the past few years, I’ve tried to change that.

Recently, I went on my very first camping trip.  It wasn’t always easy for me, but needless to say, it opened up my mind.   From the outside perspective, disconnecting can seem like an unproductive, and wasteful use of time.  After all, its all about THE GRIND right?

Well I’m here to tell you that disconnecting is a great use of your time.  It can change your perspective, improve your health, and ultimately make you more productive. 

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Mindset Monday: Fear is an Illusion

FEAR…It’s one of the most powerful emotions we can experience.  It’s something that has affected us all at one point or another.  Fear can affect how we think, what we do, and even how we choose to live our lives. 

But I’m here to tell you today that fear is an illusion.   Its something that we perceive to be there, but it often isn’t. Be sure, that fear is a formidable opponent.  After reading this today, you will be equipped with a powerful tool to help you face fear head on.  Fear can be defeated.  But the first step, is understanding your opponent.

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Productivity Hack: The Pomodoro Timer

Ever find yourself working on a really important project, and then it hits?…

Procrastination…Oh, that dreaded word. It’s a word I’m quite familiar with.  In fact I like to call myself, the “King of Procrastination”.  Its a lofty, but well earned title.  Procrastination is REAL.  One minute your getting your work done, next minute your caught in deep and dark snapchat vortex.  

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5 Easy and Effective Steps To Goal Setting

Can a ship reach its port without compass?  Can a runner win the race without a finish line?….The great Jim Rhone said it perfectly.  If where we want to go in life is our destination, then our goals are our direction. When used correctly, goal-setting can be a powerful and life guiding tool.  For me, the moment I started actively goal setting, my life started changing for the better.  Goals are what give our energy focus and keep us on track when we wander astray.  Whether it be fitness, financial, or personal development, goals align our thoughts and give them direction. 

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