Warming Up: How to Do it Like an Elite Athlete, Part 1

Warming Up: How to Do it Like an Elite Athlete, Part 1

I’ve gotten a few people asking me lately about what I like to do and what I have my athletes do for a warmup before they train.  So I decided it would be a good idea to share that with you.  If you have ever trained w/ me before, you know how much emphasis I put on our warmup.  When people ask me why we should warm up, the analogy I usually use is:

“Well, you wouldn’t just start your car, floor it, and speed out the driveway right?”

Even though some of you crazy Arizona drivers may have answered yes to that question, you get the point.  A comprehensive and progressive warmup routine is crucial….here’s part 1 of mine. 

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Foam Rolling 101: How and When to Foam Roll

You know those foamy, tube things you see at the gym?…yeah those are called foam rollers.  Although gaining traction in popularity, foam rollers are still a very underutilized piece of equipment.

Foam rolling is an important part of a well rounded fitness program.  Leaving it out is a mistake that can lead to injury, and decreased performance.  Today we are going to go over those benefits, and I will show you my go-to-foam roll routine.

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3 Things You Should Always Carry in Your Gym Bag

You can tell a lot about someone by whats in their gym bag…how prepared they are. What type of exercise program they’re on.  How funky their gym shoes are…

Your gym bag is a sign of preparation.  Being prepared for a workout is kid of like being prepared for a test, or a game. The better the prep, the better the result.  This is especially true for people who travel a lot, and live life on the go.  Whether you’re at home, or on the road, having these items will prepare you for anything that comes your way.

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