Exercise Upgrade: Changing How You View These 4 Common Exercises

Exercise Upgrade: Changing How You View These 4 Common Exercises

Out w/ the old, and in with the new…Today’s post is a remix on some common gym exercises.   These exercises are all ones that you see just about any time you walk into a gym.  Some of you have probably been doing these same exercise since your 9th grade middle school PE teacher taught them to you. The problem is, as we’ve gained a better understanding about training, these exercises have become ineffective and outdated. My goal today is to show you alternative, and more effective versions of each of these exercises. 

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Warming Up: How to Do it Like an Elite Athlete, Part 2

Welcome back to the Ignite blog!  Today, I will be showing you part 2 of “How to Warmup like an Elite Athlete”. For a recap, check out part 1 of this blog post.

In part 2, we will be covering the dynamic warmup.  The dynamic warmup is is the final part of the warmup and should properly prepare the athlete (you in this case) to train for that session. The dynamic warmup is broken down into 2 parts:  Movement Prep, and Skipping/CNS Prep.  We’ll kick things off with the movement prep.

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Why You Should Be Training Your Hamstrings and my 4 Top Exercises

Training for hamstring strength is like having car insurance….You don’t really see it every day, and you probably under appreciate it…but boy is it good to have when you need it. The hamstrings play a HUGE roll in overall function and injury prevention.  They are often forgotten in favor of the more visible quads and glutes.  Last year, in the EPL (the top soccer league in the world),  there were over 150 hamstring injuries alone!  

Unfortunately,  most people’s definition of hamstring training is lying down and cranking out 15 reps on the leg curl machine.  That simply doesn’t cut it. Today, I’m going to tell you why training your hamstrings is important, and my top 4 exercises to get you started!

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Re-Think Core Training: 3 Exercises to Replace Sit Ups

As the fitness and sports performance fields have evolved, so has the understanding of functional  exercise.  We are doing a better job of doing exercises that transfer to real life, and help us perform your best.  But one area that is still lagging behind is core training.

There is a gross misunderstanding of how your core actually works.  Tell me, how many times have you seen someone do a crunch on the football field?  Or how many times have you done a sit up as your playing with your kids?  I think it’s time we re-think core training, and start doing exercises that improve our quality of life, and our performance!

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