3 Strategies to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

3 Strategies to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

As those of you who follow me on social media know, I recently went on an expedition to a part of the country I had never been before.  I was fortunate enough to see things that I had only seen in National Geographic magazines.  Growing up in the city, with a family that rarely traveled, this trip was squarely outside my comfort zone.  In fact, expanding my comfort zone, was the main reason for going on this trip.

But it wasn’t always like that for me.  Like many of you, I was firmly entrenched in box that I created for myself . These boxes can be extremely limiting.  We have to realize that nothing great was ever accomplished in a comfort zone. But to really step outside your comfort zone It takes intent and practice.  Today, I want to share some strategies to help you step outside your comfort zone and start living life with purpose!

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Mindset Monday: Fear is an Illusion

FEAR…It’s one of the most powerful emotions we can experience.  It’s something that has affected us all at one point or another.  Fear can affect how we think, what we do, and even how we choose to live our lives. 

But I’m here to tell you today that fear is an illusion.   Its something that we perceive to be there, but it often isn’t. Be sure, that fear is a formidable opponent.  After reading this today, you will be equipped with a powerful tool to help you face fear head on.  Fear can be defeated.  But the first step, is understanding your opponent.

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