Baller, Boss, and Bad*** Coach: My Interview w/ Sam Ostarello

Baller, Boss, and Bad*** Coach: My Interview w/ Sam Ostarello

One of my goals with Ignite is to become a network and resource for like minded professional.   A resource for coaches and fitness professionals who are doing great work, and pushing the industry forward. ….Today, I share my conversation with Sam Ostarello.  I met Sam earlier this year at the Complete Speed and Power Summit in California, an event put on by Athletes Acceleration. 

Sam is a performance coach based Based out of San Diego.  Sam services primarily athletes and also is a basketball skills trainer.  Sam and her company, Elite Performance  have quickly become one of the go-to names for sports performance training in the area.

In our conversation we explore Sam’s experience traveling the world playing professional basketball, her philosophy on training female athletes, and some of the habits that make her successful…Without further adieu ladies and gentlemen, my conversation with Sam Ostarello!

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How to Become a Better Performer

Ever heard of the term performance coach?..If not, its ok.  It is a relatively new  term. As a performance coach, my objective is to help my clients achieve their goals, and perform at the highest level possible. 

Often times the word “performance” is reserved strictly for high level athletes, but when you think about it, we all have an expectation to “perform” every day.  Whether at work, school, or the gym, we all have certain tasks or roles that we are expected to fulfill.  

In order to perform at your best, you need a strategy.  This can’t be something you haphazardly attempt to do.  You need a plan and I’m here to give it to you.

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