Bridging The Gap Between PT and Functional Performance

Bridging The Gap Between PT and Functional Performance

Having worked in PT clinics for about 5 years, I would often hear conversations between patients and therapists that would go something like this:

PT: Hey Sally, why are you limping?
Patient: My back is hurting
PT:  What did you do?
Patient:  Well my trainer made me do this one exercise…

PT: (places palm on face and dies a little inside)

And there you have it.  Sally’s trainer didn’t fully understand her injury history, and pushed her too hard, too soon.  There is obviously a gap in the transition from PT to functional performance. But why the disconnect? Well, we are here to explore how we can bridge that gap!

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Foam Rolling 101: How and When to Foam Roll

You know those foamy, tube things you see at the gym?…yeah those are called foam rollers.  Although gaining traction in popularity, foam rollers are still a very underutilized piece of equipment.

Foam rolling is an important part of a well rounded fitness program.  Leaving it out is a mistake that can lead to injury, and decreased performance.  Today we are going to go over those benefits, and I will show you my go-to-foam roll routine.

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Breathe Better: How Eric Christensen is Changing How We Breathe

16 per minute, 960 per hour, 23,040 per day….That’s how much we breathe.  You could say breathing is life.  It’s the first thing we do in life, and the last thing we do.They why then do we ignore it?  Why do we never train it?…Poor breathing patterns can lead to numerous problems such as chronic pain, and hormonal issues.   

Eric Christenson is here to help change all that.  Eric is a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) and the owner of Chandler Physical Therapy in Chandler, AZ.  Eric estimates that 85%-90% of his patients have breathing issues that effect their function.  If you’ve ever had persistent neck pain, chances are poor breathing patterns is one of the causes.  Eric’s passion to change the way we breath runs deep.  So much so, that he wrote a book.  His book, “Breathe Better”, addresses our society;s pervasive issues with breathing.  “Breathe Better” is scheduled for release.

In today’s post, I interview Eric and we take a deeper look at his new book, Breathe Better, and give you some exercises to help improve your breathing.  Enjoy!

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