4 Nutrition Tips to Help Athletes Build Muscle

4 Nutrition Tips to Help Athletes Build Muscle

For many athletes, gaining weight is a source of pain and frustration.  In many sports, size can be a limiting factor in performance, or even in seeing the field at all. 

The problem is there is an  over abundance of info on how to gain muscle. If you were to google “How athletes can gain weight” 73,200,000 search results would pop up.  I know, because I’ve done it.   And like most things on the internet, 98% of is overcomplicated and garbage.

So today, we’re going to give you what you want.  What’s real, and what actually works.

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Fuel w/ Fat: 3 Ways Fat Improves Your Performance

Long ago people used to believe that fat was the enemy…I can distinctly remember my mom buying Fat Free Italian Dressing when I was a kid….Let me repeat that, FAT FREE Italian Dressing.  You don’t have to be a Michelin starred chef to know that Italian dressing is basically oil, vinegar, and spices…so WTF WAS IN THAT DRESSING?

Luckily, things have changed, and people are starting to wise up.  Keto diets are popping up, and Bulletproof coffees are a plenty (click here, for an awesome recipe).  However, there are still people out there that think fat is the devil. I’m here to tell you that fat is only good for you, but it can help you increase your performance.

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How to Become a Better Performer

Ever heard of the term performance coach?..If not, its ok.  It is a relatively new  term. As a performance coach, my objective is to help my clients achieve their goals, and perform at the highest level possible. 

Often times the word “performance” is reserved strictly for high level athletes, but when you think about it, we all have an expectation to “perform” every day.  Whether at work, school, or the gym, we all have certain tasks or roles that we are expected to fulfill.  

In order to perform at your best, you need a strategy.  This can’t be something you haphazardly attempt to do.  You need a plan and I’m here to give it to you.

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Inflammation Nation: How to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

In the 80’s and 90’s it was cholesterol.  A couple years ago it was gluten.  Now, we have a new public enemy #1 in America…Inflammation.

 Inflammation has quickly become public enemy #1 among health care practitioners.  Inflammation has been around forever, but is now finally being understood was one of the leading causes of disease.  Chronic inflammation can lead to everything from acne, to neurological disorders (YIKES!!).  As daunting as that may sound, there are many ways to help prevent inflammation from controlling your life.  All we have to do, is clean up our diets little bit, and move a little bit more.

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Magic Mushroom Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

As some of you may know, I recently conducted an experiment using mushroom powder, to determine if it would actually make me smarter (you can catch up here) .  Over that time period, and though some trial and error, I  managed to develop a drink that I LOVED.  A drink that gave me sustained energy over the course of my day.  A drink that made me more focused and more productive….and I want to share the recipe with you today!

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4 Things To Do Today That Will Improve Your Health

Health is the key to happiness and success, at least that what I believe.  Our health is the most valuable asset we have, and should be our #1 priority.  It should be valued above all else….It may seem daunting, but being healthier isn’t all that complicated.  You don’t need some guru on TV to tell you how.  All its takes is small daily action steps, and consistancy over time.  Try these 4 small steps today, and be healthier than you were yesterday! 

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The Great Shroom Experiment, Part II

Welcome back everyone, and thank you for tuning in to the exciting conclusion of The Great Shroom Experiment!! …In part I, I gave you guys a  little background on dried mushroom powders and showed the results from my initial memory, and cognitive tests.  If you missed Part I, check it out here…In today’s post we will be looking at the results from the re-test, the effects of the mushroom powder on my daily performance, and whether or not you should be adding it in your daily routine!

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The Great Shroom Experiment, Part I

Today’s post is all about my experiment with shrooms.  Lets get this out of the way, I LOVE shrooms.   But before you guys start questioning my sanity, we’re not talking about the psychedelic kind.  No, I’m not talking about the kind that leads you  on a spirit journey to the desert, talking quantum physics to a cactus…I’m talking about the kind that increases focus, improves nerve health, and improves memory.  I’m talking about the ‘shrooms that increase performance. 

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