3 Strategies to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

3 Strategies to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

As those of you who follow me on social media know, I recently went on an expedition to a part of the country I had never been before.  I was fortunate enough to see things that I had only seen in National Geographic magazines.  Growing up in the city, with a family that rarely traveled, this trip was squarely outside my comfort zone.  In fact, expanding my comfort zone, was the main reason for going on this trip.

But it wasn’t always like that for me.  Like many of you, I was firmly entrenched in box that I created for myself . These boxes can be extremely limiting.  We have to realize that nothing great was ever accomplished in a comfort zone. But to really step outside your comfort zone It takes intent and practice.  Today, I want to share some strategies to help you step outside your comfort zone and start living life with purpose!

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Patience and Perseverance: My Interview w/ Preston Hale

Welcome back for another Ignite Interview!  Today I interview another up and coming performer in the world of fitness and performance training.

I share my conversation with Preston Hale, III.  Preston is a performance coach based out of Chandler, AZ.  Preston trains primarily athletes, with a special emphasis on developing defensive backs in American football.  Preston uses his experience as a college athlete, and knowledge as a coach to provide very unique and high level training. He breaks down football movement like few can. 

Preston has taken a unique road to get where he’s at, and is an example of perseverance.  He is also one of the most avid learners I know.  In our conversation we cover Preston’s keys to success, his training philosophy, and how to handle the fear of making a career switch.  Enjoy!

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My Current, 4 Favorite Podcasts

In today’s world, where people multi-tasking is a way of life, podcasts are king.  For those of us who have a commute to work, podcasts are an opportunity to learn on the go.  They turn the time normally reserved for useless radio chatter and fake first date updates, into time spent bettering yourself.  But podcasts aren’t just reserved for the car.  They are a great way to take advantage of any downtime you may have during your day.  If you haven’t started listening to podcasts yet, then I highly suggest you start immediately.  Here are a few of my favorite podcasts.

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How to Break the Habit Loop

.  Understanding where habits come from is the first step to changing them.  And to understand that, we must understand the habit loop.  The habit loop is the basis behind all habits that we have.  All habits good or bad, are driven by a craving, and follow these 3 steps.

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How to Become a Better Performer

Ever heard of the term performance coach?..If not, its ok.  It is a relatively new  term. As a performance coach, my objective is to help my clients achieve their goals, and perform at the highest level possible. 

Often times the word “performance” is reserved strictly for high level athletes, but when you think about it, we all have an expectation to “perform” every day.  Whether at work, school, or the gym, we all have certain tasks or roles that we are expected to fulfill.  

In order to perform at your best, you need a strategy.  This can’t be something you haphazardly attempt to do.  You need a plan and I’m here to give it to you.

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